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The following attended the reunion according to the registration  list, the sign-in book, or reported sightings:

Angell, Apy, Austin, Marion Bakoulis, Bear,  Beatty, Beebe, Berghuis,  Bergland,  Blumberg, Blume, Braham, Briskman, Carroll (Anne), Chase, Corbett, Crago, Cromwell, DeZafra, Diggdon, S. Eaton, Edelman, Eglin (Edith), Elkins,  Ellis, Fiske,     J. Ford, Franck, Fuhrer, Gall,  Galloway, Gartin, Gates, Gillis, Goodkind, Gould, Grosset, Hamilton, Hannum, Hardy,  M. Harris, D.Harrison, Hawley, Healy, Heimerdinger, Helm, Hills, Sylvia Hnat, Holdsworth, Holton, Hopkinson, Horton, Hudnut, Molly Jacobs,  J. Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Kavanagh, Keller, Kirby, Kopperl, Korenman, Lane,  Lansing, Lata, Lawton, Ledger, Lovecchio (Lillian), Lutz,  MacCarthy, Macwilliam (Karen), Marinan, Marks, Sally Maruca,  Mayers, R. Miller, Moran, Morley, Moul, Muhl,  O'Neil, Ordiway, Page, Peirce, Peyton, Popowich, David G. Powell, David George Powell, Price, Purviance, Ream, Mace Reed, Reynolds, Rice, Ritchie, Roediger, Jon Rogers,  Rosenberg,  Rumsfeld, Sant, Sarbanes, Savage, Saydah, Schmalz, Schulz, Schulze, Schuyler, Shallberg, Shane, Shriver, Slichter, A. Smith,  J. Smith, R. Smith, Spano, Stauffer, Steigman, Steinberg, Steinmetz, R. Stevens, Stimpson, Stoner,  Stout, Talcott, Tinsman, Tombaugh, Trent,  Ughetta, Ulman, Van Cleve, Vanderstar, Vyse, Wales, Watkins,  G. Webb, Weiss, Welty, Whelihan, Wintersteen, Wohlforth, Yaffa, Yost